The category tags below will filter blog posts by topic...

web markdown

As much as I dislike social media, if in the unlikely event somone ever wanted to share one of these posts, I'd like it to have an image and a description. Including some OpenGraph and Twitter metadata sounds like it ought to be sufficient.


While introducing a combination of categories and tags to this Grav website, I noticed that Google had been happily indexing a variety of valid URLs that were either internal search results, or lists based on taxonomy categories or tags. By their nature, these results are transient, and I decided to exclude them.


Wrestling with .htaccess syntax is a pleasure that I engage in every six months or so! I grasp the basic principles, but have never had cause to become fully fluent. These two rules are the culmination of a requirement to redirect a specific subset of pages from a site that used different URI structures; with and without query strings.


I was looking for a simple way to add a visible "caption" to an image, using Markdown, but without introducing any HTML markup, or resorting to Javascript. In particular, I wanted the resulting Markdown to read nicely.

The following may be bending the syntax slightly... but it works!


My aim was simple. And perhaps it was too simple.

I wanted an open-source mapping solution that would allow me to embed a map/GPX route into a blog post in plain and simple fashion. I wanted the option to go full screen, and by "full screen" I meant actual full screen in a literal sense, not a postage stamp sized map in an ugly looking box, surrounded by useless clutter.


Test to see whether it's possible to copy/paste straight from a GitHub markdown file.

^- note to self, it breaks the image links, but works if replaced with githubusercontent raw links.